About Me

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BC, Canada
Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting! My name is MO and I live on Vancouver Island, BC Canada. This blog is to share with others my love of nature and homemade life like crochet, gardening, decorating, flowers, art, crafts, photos and perhaps the occasional recipe as well. Please drop by frequently and feel free to share. If you would like to send me an email, my address is murmursdfa@gmail.com

Friday, June 14, 2013

Backyard Visitors

Sun was shining so thought I'd work out on the patio...there is soooooooooo much to do out there!  Today I painted both sides of the gate and fence in my patio area...took me all day.
Ratty looking fence....
And here it is all painted on the inside...so fresh and clean.  Now I need to decorate with a few hanging plants, etc.  It`s actually a very light gray, but seems to look so much darker on my photo.
Here are a few of the potted petunias that the deer haven't eaten yet.  I want to repot them into hanging pots for the fence.

These little purple ones were munched, but they are recouping well. Hopefully they will last long enough for me to get them all into the hanging baskets!
Here are two pots I`ve done up with geraniums to sit on the outside of my gate (facing the street).  Also planted some dwarf dusty miller to fill in the spaces in the pots.  Now it`s just up to the sunshine to make everything grow.
 Love the variegated leafs on this one.
And I did have visitors when I was painting the fence.  I turned around to see these just checking out if I had anything they could have for lunch...those lil beggars! 
Here she is standing right where our fence is going to be.  It`s like ``Oops, you caught me!``
Here are her 2 other buddies.  We have a wall of blackberry bushes at the back and they nibble on these before disappearing into the woods. 

 This one has small velvety horns.  I've heard that female deer can have horns as well, so don`t know if this one`s a she or a he.
 Not very concerned about me taking pictures.
  Keeping an eye on me tho`.

 I had to clap my hands, stomp my feet, wave my arms like a crazy woman before they would even pay attention.  It`s nice to have nature so close, but I really don`t want them to be comfortable around me.
 Until next time, MO


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Granny Bunting

Hello Everyone
I've had some difficulty with the 'comments' section of my blog...the comments disappeared! Thank you all tho' for your encouraging comments...I believe my blog is back on track.  Keep your fingers crossed! :)
I've been crocheting granny bunting for Lucy's Yarndale event.  I really enjoyed making them and it was fun to do a triangle shape.  Here's a few pix of those.


 I thought I would do one that was a bit different so added an owl applique.  Check this site for the little owl pattern http://www.petalstopicots.com



 So until next time, MO

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hi There
Out running errands today, but became waylaid from time to time with the scenic landscapes.  I never tire of the visual 'gifts' I receive on a daily basis.  Sometimes I'm driving along on my way to do some grocery shopping and !!! I just have to stop and take it in!  Me and my lil' pocket camera.
Anyways, there were diamonds on the water this morning. 
Pretty calm waters earlier as well.
Mountains on the mainland are fairly visible today.
 There is always activity on the water.  This waterway between where we live on Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columbia is called Discovery Passage.
   Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island.  I seem to take a photo of this often...with clouds coming and going, or sun one moment and not the next, the 'feel' of the scene changes.

Oops, must pay attention to what is at my feet.  :)
 So I take pictures of grass!!!   But there is a little pink fleur there as well.  :)

 Then on the way back from shopping and doing errands I came home via a different route and there was this totally cool sail boat out there. 
Finally caught up with the sail boat, somewhat...
    That is Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island that you see in the background.
Wouldn't that be totally cool to go sailing!!!
Later I found out that there were quite a few sailboats out on the water...a yearly yacht race...boats sailing right around Vancouver Island.
  Interesting that would be and quite the trip!
Happy Sailing, until next time, MO

Monday, June 10, 2013

Morning Walkabout in the Green

I didn't have any plans for the day. Went to check on my garden and almost didn't notice this little guy until he moved his head, so I snuck back into the house and grabbed my camera.  One of the little culprits that loves to nibble on anything I plant.  They don't seem to like herbs tho'.  I planted some dill, oregano, parsley and sage yet they don't seem to be attracted to them.  But the little beggars did eat my hosta to the ground & ate all the new blooms on my white, pink and purple petunias which are still in the pots I bought them in, waiting to be planted!  Methinks I need to change my plans for the patio plantings.
I like these little shrubs with all the new green shoots reaching for the sun.  Do you like my hummingbird garden ornament?
These spring greens are so luxurious and in the background the last of the white lilac.
I don't know what these little blue flowers are called, but they are now fading into a light blue.
 These leaves below look like they are made of green leather.
Went for a short walkabout in the woods today.

I love the smell of the forest, I inhale deeply.  The busy activity of the day is left behind for a short time.

    Can't get much more of a green atmosphere than this.

Saw these rhodos and just had to snap one more picture.  I think this must be the end of the rhododendrons for the season...spectacular color is it not!!!!
Until next time, MO